Why athletes need more vitamins?

For any child to grow strong and healthy, they must consume the recommended nutrients. However, kids who participate in sports often require even more vitamins. Let’s take a closer look at why young athletes often need higher doses.

Boosts Energy
At Kidthlete, we produce products that are specially formulated for active kids. Athletes tend to have a much higher metabolism. To restore their energy levels, they need to consume an extra amount of micronutrients. A quality multivitamin can help young athletes to perform at their best. When running and jumping on the field, your child will be far less likely to feel fatigued. Active children who complain about being tired may actually be suffering from a nutrient deficiency.

Physical Activity Causes a Loss of Minerals
When exercising, we naturally start to sweat. However, perspiration causes certain minerals to be flushed out. Sodium, magnesium, and potassium all play a major role in the body’s functioning. Without these key minerals, it’ll be more difficult for your child to stay properly hydrated. This is why Kidthlete strongly recommends taking a daily multivitamin. While there’s no overlooking the importance of consuming plenty of water, it’s just as critical to restore lost electrolytes.

Stronger Bodies
As a parent, it's your job to make nutrition an important part of your child's life. Vitamin intake has a direct impact on a young athlete’s ability to get stronger. A steady supply of nutrients will enhance growth and development. After an intense game, their tissues will repair quicker. The likelihood of your children sustaining an injury will be much lower. Research also shows that vitamins can also enhance the body’s ability to transport oxygen.